Tuesday 11 March 2014

OutOfMemoryException when storing a large-ish byte array

OutOfMemoryException when storing a large-ish byte array

1.Large Object Heap fragmentation causes ...

Description:In some situations, the large object heap will become heavily
fragmented. The amount of fragmentation is so large that the LOH uses more
than twice th

2.EPPlus-Create advanced Excel 2007 spreadsheets on the ...

Description:But the 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. Furthermore,
I'm using jankallman's method to fill the data to cells: "The fastest way
to add cells is always from ...

3.c# - 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown when there ...

Description:Iteresting approach but I need to store as much as possible as
a random number repository in any idle time of the rest of my application
as this app runs on a 24 hour ...

4..net - Best way to read a large file into byte array in C# ...

Description:Your code can be factored to this (in lieu of
File.ReadAllBytes): public byte[] ReadAllBytes(string fileName) { byte[]
buffer = null; using (FileStream fs = new ...

5.Base64 Encoder/Decoder in C# - CodeProject

Description:20-11-2003 · Hello, Very nice your encoder ! The only problem
is that it works on RAM only, and on x86 computers, when processing large
data, the process needs to much ...

6.C# BigInteger Class - CodeProject - The Code Project

Description:29-09-2002 · Hi Chew, Nice class for dealing with Big
Integers. I converted the code into C++. It works great. The only thing
that you have to be aware of is that in ...

7.Uploading large HTTP multipart request with System.Net ...

Description:About Techcoil. Technologies coil to form a greater whole,
thereby facilitating the exchange of information between people. That was
how Techcoil was named.

8.Chad Austin

Description:The least trivial algorithm for building sajson's parse tree
is allocating (or should I say, reserving?) the space in the parse tree
for an array's or object's ...

9.Arrays in Visual Basic

Description:The array students in the preceding example contains seven
elements. The indexes of the elements range from 0 through 6. Having this
array is simpler than declaring ...

10.C# test.net

Description:Of course I am dyslexic so I can get away with swapping U and
R around. My dyslexia aside, It's a fair representation of what the class